Tuesday, December 27, 2011

my first dive trip

Bermula dari pembicaraan tak berujung, saya akhirnya menerima tawaran seorang teman untuk belajar diving. Dan dari pembicaraan tak berawal pula, sang teman menawarkan untuk mencicipi surga menyelam bali. Tulamben.
“ini hanya ide, loe mau let’s go, loe g mw it’sok!” demikian racunnya, malam saat kami bertemu pertama kali.
Ide yang sangat menggiurkan. Kapan lagi ketulamben, diving dengan ahlinya. Demikian batin saya mencoba merayu akal sehat yang sangat labil.
Maka pada pertemuan keesokan harinya, saya mencoba mendiskusikan kemungkinan dive tulamben tersebut.
“terserah loe dho, tapi kalo oke, gw book tiket sekarang buat senin pagi!” katanya lagi
“ok.. Iet me think first, I’ll let you know first thing in the morning.” Gw berusaha tidak antusias.
And after I got home, I talk to my Mr.Affair. and you know what.?!
“don’t think about it, just do it.” He says “To much consideration will end up with nothing. Just go.” Well ternyata ini dukungan yang sangat menguatkan hati.
And  I only need I call to make it happen. “guru-padahal temen gw g mw dipanggil guru. ok ya senin pagi, shall I pick you up at the dive center or i just go straight to the airport?”
“go directly to the airport. I’ll handle everything from here!”
Monday morning, 6 am. i’m heading to the airport. Although I know that my plane will be boarding at 8.45. but never mind. I just can’t wait for more longer. Yayyayay
Ada  kejadian lucu, saat diruang tunggu, kami mendengarkan semua penumpang satu-persatu beranjak begitu mendengar panggilan boarding. Namun kami sama  sekali tidak mendengar panggilan untuk kami.  Setelah hamper setengah jam menunggu, kami lalu berkesimpulan bahwa pesawat kami ditunda. Hal yang biasa. Lalu diantara candaan dan omelan kami mendengar seorang petugas darat dari maskapai singa merah lalu-lalang sambil meneriakkan panggilan denpasar-denpasar,Surabaya-surabaya pintu 3. “Denpasar mas?” Tanya kami serentak memperjelas. “iya, pintu 3”jawabnya lagi sambil terus meneriakkan panggilan untuk penumpang lain.
Dengan semangat 45 kami segera berlari menuju pintu 3 dan menunggu bus yang akan membawa kami ke kaki burung besi yang rupanya sudah siap sejak tadi. “do you heard any boarding call?” I ask PG. “no.. do you?” he ask UQ to assure himself “tidak!”balas UQ dengan wajah tidak kalah heran. after we manage to find our seat, the three of us just smile to each other and start to make a joke over this small and unfunny accident.
 The sky is clear, the sun is shine what a nice flight, and with no delay 11:30 am we landed at ngurah rai international airport. Bli komang has been there with his paper sign. When we walk out the door carrying 3 big luggage. Each contain with a complete dive gear. Waiting to drive us to tulamben.
Saat kami meninggalkan airport, jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 12 siang. Atas pertimbangan nurani, PG meminta bli komang untuk menuju daerah sanur, PG bermaksud untuk singgah di kantor pusat SSI, dan tentu saja untuk makan siang. Pilihannya adalah warung makan Woro Senang. A nice stall near Sanur just next to SSI hq.
Done with the lunch, now It’s time to 3 hour road trip to kubu tulamben. Actually PG ask me to sleep sepanjang perjalanan, because I will had my first class soon as we get there. Tapi ini bali, pemandangan sepanjang jalan membuat saya tidak bisa memejamkan mata. Rugi rasanya melewatkan suguhan bentang alam nan indah permai.
Perjalanan melalui kabupaten gianyar, klungkung dan karangasem, sepanjang kurang lebih 200km menjadi tidak membosankan. Pergantian lanskap pantai, bukit, perkampungan dengan sawah dan pura yang sambung menyambung mampu membuat mata tetap terbuka lebar.
Tak terasa, akhirnya sekitar pukul 3 sore, kami tiba di Paradise resort tulamben. Tempat dimana kami akan menginap selama 4 hari kedepan. Tanpa buang waktu, setelah membereskan urusan check in, PG,  instruktur saya langsung meminta saya untuk siap turun ke air.
so this it. time to unpack my dive gear. sebuah tas besar berwarna hitam, berisi 1 set BC. Regulator, Fins,Masker, Snorkle. dan wetsuit.
Ini kali pertama saya, sebelumnya saya hanya mendapat pelajaran perkenalan tentang alat. Teknik skill baru akan saya dapatkan di sesi ini. My first convenient water. Which also my first open water. Mengetahui kegelisahan saya, PG membesarkan hati saya dengan menjanjikan keindahan yang tak akan saya lupakan.
“Malu dunk.. udah sampe tulamben tapi nga nyicip open water.” Demikian sugesti saya pada diri sendiri Maka turunlah saya bersama Koko PG, my buddy sekaligus Instruktur saya. Pertama kali turun ke air dengan segala Peralatan scuba yang membalut tubuh, wetsuit, masker, bcd, nenteng fins… aduh jangan dikira, perasaan gw udah kayak dive  master. Walau diperut rasanya mulas. Nervous banget. Takut, penasaran, dan segala pikiran yang tak bertuan datang menghampiri. But at the end of the day, I start to feel. This is fun. This is cool. and I love it. Hahaha……………  and I knew that I just fall in love with this thing.  Praise the lord. I love Scuba, and I love tulamben.
and that is a wrap of my first dive story.................... 

Friday, December 23, 2011


actually its an old drawing of mine, which i just discover recently. so i'm plan to share it for every of you.beside it''s a perfect time anyway.
so...   MERRY XMAS EVERYONE........

going on travel.....

for me,going on vacation not only about having fun, but more like a step to learn the outside world. it's travelling.

so for me, one who never travel is a person who read book but can't understand the book. because there's a sense of knowledge when you blend with the persons, the place and mostly the experience being outsider who try to blend.
and to be honest it's enrich my point of view.

but what i like best from travelling, its about meeting new people, and getting new friends.

well.......... i can't hardly wait for my next trip.
i knew there's a lot stories to discovered, and plenty new friend that waiting somewhere out there....

am i being so selfish for that.........

some people may had  double standard about selfishness, goodness, goodwill, or many other simple things that  sometimes can be so complicated.

me.. i'm refer the situation.

days ago, a very best friend gave birth to a baby girl.

i didn't came quickly to meet her because i was away.

and then the next week, i call her to ask how's she's doing? and i want to came to visit her today.

but you know what............

she didn't pick up the phone, didn't answer the message i send her.
but with all the goodwill i still try to make a call.all morning.

and finally i got a text,  it's her.
"i just had a baby, cannot see you"
still trying to talk to her, i re-call her.
and she's pick up the phone,
M : "hi there.. new mom's..." excitedly, i greet her.
but i heard her husband spoke from the other side.
H: "she's sleeping, exhausted,please not bother her" and he hang up the phone.

am i being selfish for angry to her.
i never meant to disturb her. i just wanna to know if she's okay.
and can came visit.

ok.. i fully understand that you've gone through a very dramatic situation, that's you feel a little of everything, and it's okay if you need sometimes to get alone
but can't you just show a little respect, over the goodwill.

maybe i didn't call at the right time, maybe i'm a little too late.
maybe i'm a little over sensitive.
but i'm still can not understand, the way she answer me..
she kinda like an alien. a stranger.

so am i selfish or what......

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

my fave xmas song ever

dear my sister n brother

for the merrier holiday season, let me share my fave x'mas song ever.
well happy holiday everyone.......................

Monday, May 16, 2011

they sing out loud my feeling

gara-gara kemarin kepincut dengan single terbaru mereka, iseng-iseng saya browsing nyari lagu yang lain. dan dapat.

ada banyak lagu seh sebenarnya, tapi kebanyakan lagu-lagu kelompok vocal ini adalah lagu up beat. lagu buat shake your body dengan efek autotunes. yang sudah pasti menampilkan kemampuan bergoyang yang sangat energic.  mungkin biar kesan techno atawa dancenya lebih dapat.
tapi single yang satu ini bener-bener beda.
they really sing.
the girl put their voices out.
seperti juga single terbaru mereka yang kemarin itu.
and from now on i'm proudly announce that i'm addicted to this girls...........

and one more thing.....
the girls actually singing out loud what i felt inside.

"Bom] Byeonhaetni ni mamsokae
Eejae nan deo eesang eopneun geoni
Nan neol neol saenggak-hamyeon
Neomu apa apa apa

*and thx 4 whimsical being 4 the lyrics*

Saturday, May 14, 2011

candid on boat

pergi berjalan-jalan memang terkadang kita menemui beberapa atau banyak hal yang tidak kita sangka.
salah satunya temuan saya dari perjalanan kemarin.
beberapa waktu yang lalu saya baru saja pergi ke kepulauan wakatobi. beberapa ratus kilo meter dari rumah saya. masih wilayah sulawesi tenggara.
karena tujuan awalnya adalah pulau buton, maka dari kendari saya harus menumpang kapal super jet ke kota bau-bau.

biar kata ini super jet, tetap saja waktu tempuh menyusuri teluk kendari dan menyambung selat buton terhitung cukup melelahkan. 3 jam -lebih beberapa belas atau puluh menit saya g pasti. xixixixi
terbayang betenya harus duduk di kabin yang tidak bisa disebut super nyaman. dengan guncangan ombak yang menghempas-hempas. daripada pusing terombang-ambing nga jelas saya memutuskan untuk naik ke dek atas.
dan olala.... u know what i've got.
bukan hanya langit biru, tempas angin, tapi juga dua mahluk mars yang tampak sangat mencolok diantara jejalan penumpang KMV. SUKSES GEMILANG.

so ladies.. kalo lagi jalan, sempatkan untuk selalu menikmati waktu dalam perjalanan, sesingkat, sekilat, seribet, sepusing apapun itu. who knows what you will got.

buat candid talent...
salam kenal ya....................

korean girls sing

kecepatan media digital mencapai sasaran memang lebih bisa andalkan. lagu ini salah satu contohnya.
dirilis tanggal 11 mei 2011. belum sampai setengah hari sudah disaksikan oleh lebih dari 500.000 pemirsa.
terlepas dari yang suka maupun tidak, tetap saja ini angka yang sangat fenomenal untuk sebuah grup musik asian.
terlepas dari hal tersebut, harus saya akui bahwa lagu ini sangat pop, ear catching- bukan easy listening, musik yang sederhana, berpadu dengan vocal yang kuat justru menjadi main instrumen jualan 4 cewek negeri ginseng ini.
you go girl...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

mr. bartender

I don’t know what had came in to my brain, it just suddenly I had this idea. A want to be a bartender. I don’t know but it sounds so cool. I can play with the liquor everyday. Mix and shake some colour and voila I get a glass of punch. See how cool is that.
I start to browse and read about many kind of cocktail, moctail, punch. Downloading recipes. And also try to dream about open a bar. I don’t know where to start. But for sure I decide to learn to mix and shake from today on.

about me

Bila banyak orang yang begitu mendambakan tubuh yang lansing bagai model, maka saya justru sebaliknya. Not that I hate my super skinny body. I don’t. But somehow- as an ordinary human, I need it more. Sedikit tambahan daging disana sini. A couple of pound would be perfect.
But it seem like I have to save a lot of pray for this. I don’t know either for a genetic reason or unexplainable one. Coz no matter how much I ate, I can’t get the fat. Hahaha…………………

about new resolution

As many people do, I usually made a list of new resolution during the last day of December. New year new resolution. And as many people did. i'm  actually doing something useless. Because instead of renew the list i just kept making a new list. To be honest, how many of us had really pursue the goals and live for the it. – I would be the first to rise hand. Xixixixi……. We just wrote it because we want that to happens without really do something to make it happens. Yeah maybe we do, or we try. just a little. And its not enough. Never enough.  Pathetic..

about new year

30 desember 2010

2010 is about to end. As December hit the last days. Many people had prepare for their own taste of countdown. Barbeque party. Fireworks. Luxurious night at an expensive hotel. Bir. Wine. Rave party. Outbound tour. Solitude moments at a mountain peaks. Midnight Mass. U named it. Its all about choices. Its all a matter of taste.   
Back then, when I was young this surely one of the great moment to be. Somehow I just need the party. Crowd, music, bir and everything that comes with it. I never really thought what is it all about. All I know it’s a moment of celebration. A new year to come. As the countdown turn the second into a new day. Nothing more.
And then, years later I knew that I might gone so wrong. Silly me.
No. there’s nothing wrong with the party and what so ever that others did. I only come to a conclusion. A big ones. Celebrating the new year is absolutely legal. But maybe we should look back on the days behind. As I wrote before, New year is just another day like any other say. What makes it special is just because its mark a new dawn. The first dawn of another 365 days to come.
As we leave the hundreds of days behind we should at least had done something, achieve something or earn something. A  moment to take a note for what we had done, how far we had gone, what we had achieve. A moment to evaluate about the goal we’ve set days ago. In other words, Introspection. And  more important is  to reset, reevaluate, and rethink our goals, plans, minds and system in order to repair our mistake, or at least minimize a fault to reach a better output. A better life,  as a better person. And this is where actually the celebration should take place. Celebrate an achievement. A success. Otherwise it’s just a moment of nothing.
Sadly, that’s was something I just realize recently. But somehow I should be grateful. At least I learn my lesson.     
So for the New Year eve to come, I’ll just stay in my rooms, watching the fireworks from my windows. Do the countdown with a glass of scotch- just a glass. And get away with a dream of hopeful tomorrow.
Happy New Year Everybody. 

*perenungan sesaat sebelum 2011 tiba*